Aim and Scope

IESE Business School is proud to host the IX Madrid Barcelona Workshop on Banking and Corporate Finance on the 25th October 2024 in its premises in Barcelona.

The “Mad Bar” is an annual one-day workshop in Corporate Finance with special emphasis on Financial Intermediation. It represents an opportunity for researchers in banking and corporate finance in top spanish institutions to present their work and strengthen their connections within the network.


The organizers of the workshop are: UC3M, UPF, CEMFI and IESE.

Invited instituions are: ESADE, IE and Bank of Spain.

General Information

One of the main aims of the workshop is to give visibility and feedback to junior faculty and advanced PhD students. However, although PhD students at any stage are encouraged to attend the workshop, only last year PhD students are expected to present in the conference and will do so in a competitive basis.

In order to allow the widest possible participation, in particular of young scholars, there is no registration fee. coffee-breaks, lunches and the gala banquet will be offered by the local organizers. Participants are encouraged to use their own travel budgets for travel and accommodation expenses.

The workshop starts with a dinner the day before. The day of the workshop there will be around 5 papers presented (with assigned discussants) and it will finish in the afternoon. The main idea is that participants can travel in the afternoon of the day before and leave in the late afternoon of the day of the workshop.

Deadlines and extra information

  • Paper submission closes on 14 July 2024. Call for papers
  • Registration is free of charge. In order to register participants should send an email to stating their willingness to attend. The organizers would appreciate if participants would send the email as soon as possible, and definitely by 1st of September 2024.
  • More information of the workshop can be found here: Brochure

Academic Committee

Christian Eufinger (IESE), Xavier Freixas (UPF), Jose Marin (UC3M), David Martinez-Miera (UC3M), Jose Luis Peydro (UPF), Andrea Polo (UPF) Rafael Repullo (CEMFI), Javier Suarez (CEMFI), Xavier Vives (IESE).

Local Committee

Christian Eufinger, Xavier Vives.

To contact the Local Committee, please write an email to:


The Workshop gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship of TBD.